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  • Care

    Promoting physical and mental wellbeing
    Responding swiftly to individual needs with high quality specialist support
    Building positive relationships by respecting and understanding diversity within and beyond school community
  • Aspire

    Creating an ethos where everyone feels valued and confident to take risks
    Breaking down barriers to encourage achievement for all
    Enriching curriculum activities that provide aspirational role models
  • Achieve

    Providing a stimulation curriculum which fosters the development of key skills
    Maintaining a focus on high quality teaching and learning
    Facilitating interest and providing opportunities that ignites a passion for learning

Welcome to

Woodside Primary

Welcome to Woodside Primary School and Nursery

Woodside Primary School is one of a number of primary schools within the Hales Valley Academy Trust. Our trust is an all-primary trust and we joined in April 2017. We are happy to be part of a team that ensures 'success for all' through collaboration and sharing best practice.

Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events.

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