Year 1
Below you will find the key information specifically for Year 1.
Class Teachers
Miss Gamble
Mr Woodyatt
Our Learning
For further information regarding the skills and knowledge your child will be learning in Year 1, please view Our Learning Whole School Curriculum and Subject Curriculum Maps.
PE Days
Our PE days are:
It is expected that children have full PE kit (all items labelled with child's name) and kept in school at all times. Please ensure long hair is tied back and any jewellery especially earrings are removed on these days.
Homework is set on our online learning platforms that can be found via RMUnify. There are tiles on children's RMUnify launchpads for easy access to familiar platforms, for example Google Classroom and NumBots.
In addition to homework set by class teachers, there are more learning opportunities available to access on online portals. Some are free and open to access; others require Usernames and Passwords which will be in our children's Pupil Planners. Please click on the tabs - Reading and Phonics, Writing and Spelling, Maths and More Home Learning - for further details.