Vacancy at Lutley Primary
Initial enquiries to Rachel Dean 01384 816778
Initial enquiries to Rachel Dean 01384 816778
Our Christmas fair will take place in the school Hall on Wednesday 14th December at 1:30 pm
If you would like to volunteer to help your child's class with their Christmas Fair stall, please speak to the class teacher.
We have a vacancy for a permanent Midday Supervisor
Friday 30th September 2:30 pm
School closure Monday 19th September 2022
Thank you to everyone who came along to support our annual Sports Day last term. The children were amazing and coped with the extreme heat, and we all enjoyed the ice creams!
From the sales of ice creams to children, parents and staff we raised £595.00 for the Mary Stevens Hospice!
Thank you all.
School Games inspires young people to be physically active for life through positive experiences of daily activity and competition.
Last term we took part in the School Games Challenge, and we achieved the Silver Award.
Well done to everyone who took part - we had lots of fun!
We have received a Skills Builder Bronze Award from the Skills Builder Partnership and would like to share this with our school community. - enter access code CASTLE to gain free access
We are aware that some children are not bringing nutritional packed lunches. Children have been given a leaflet from NHS to bring home about 'healthy swaps' and about using the NHS Food Scanner App which is free to download.
Dear Parents and Carers
We are thrilled to announce that Miss Hefford, our Y6 Class Teacher and Phase Leader, has been appointed on secondment to Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). Congratulations and well done Miss Hefford!
She will begin her new role in January when Mrs Jennings begins her maternity leave.
Mrs Jennings has been working closely with Miss Hefford to ensure consistency across the provision, and they are both eagerly looking forward to the new year!
Miss Shaylor will be joining us in January to teach in Year 6 for the duration of Miss Hefford's secondment, and will be in school before Christmas to meet the class.
We all wish Mrs Jennings and her family every happiness as they welcome the new addition to their family.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Bloomer
Well done to all the children and staff who took part in raising money for Children in Need 19/11/21