Home Learning (including Remote)
To ensure that learning is continued in the event of a school closure, Woodside Primary School has developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources.
The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools.
Online Learning Platforms
In preparation for home-learning, parents and children will need to receive logins and passwords for the following online learning platforms:
- RM Unify (Nursery to Year 6)
- Google Classroom (Nursery to Year 6)
- Century Tech (Years 3 to 6)
- SPaG.com (Years 2 to 6)
- Times Table Rockstars (Years 2 to 6)
All children will have RMUnify usernames and passwords, where they will be able to access all the other online learning platforms.
For further information on and access to RMUnify please click on the link below:
Children will remain in contact with their Class teacher through Google Classroom, where learning resources used in class will be uploaded to access at home. Google Classroom will support school in offering online learning with the opportunity for the children to communicate with their teacher through the ‘stream’. This will be used so children can to receive further support after accessing the learning resources.
For technical support in accessing Google Classroom please follow the link below:
Further details about Remote Learning can be found in the attached 'Remote Learning Plan'.